SIU boasts some of the greatest capacity in the DIC market.
We can handle large and complex catastrophe risks across a broad range of asset classes and offer the following best-in-class features:
Difference in Conditions (DIC) insurance, including earthquake, EQSL, and flood coverage
Earth movement available on an individual account basis with referral approval
Coverage for flood available outside of 100-year flood zones and in conjunction with an earthquake policy
DIC/earthquake and flood on course of construction available (36-month max term)
$62,500,000 in total primary capacity (higher capacity is available with referral approval)
$50,000,000 in excess capacity
Coverage available in all states except North Dakota
Minimum premium: $2,500 in A and B zones, $2,000 all other
Minimum deductible earthquake: 5% in A, B, and E zones, 2% all other
Earthquake deductible buy-down coverage available
Minimum deductible flood: $25,000 (outside 100-year flood zones)
No maximum TIV restrictions
All parking types and construction classes are acceptable (certain restrictions apply)
Acceptable classes of business include, but are not limited to, homeowners associations, apartments, high-value dwellings, real estate, office buildings, hotels, retail, restaurants, and light manufacturing
Ineligible risks include petrochemical risks; refineries including petroleum recyclers of any kind; stadiums or amusement arcade risks including attractions and/or rides; electric utilities; risks over water or on stilts; pilings, piers, wharfs or docks; and historical buildings

Our longstanding carrier relationships give us the strength and stability to provide exceptional value to the wholesale brokerage community. Featured carrier partners include:
QBE Specialty Insurance Company: “A” (excellent) XV
Underwriters at Lloyd’s London: “A” (excellent) XV
Canopius US Insurance: “A-” (excellent) X
Each submission should include a proposal and Excel SOV. Please send all submissions to: